Testing Ph levels

Aim: We did this experiment to test the pH levels of different household items.


  • Safety glasses
  • Litmus Paper (the red and blue little pieces of paper)
  • Universal indicator
  • Spotting tile
  • Household chemicals (Toilet Cleaner, Spray ‘n’ Wipe, Floor Cleaner, Vinegar, and Fabric Softener)
  • Pipette (Dropper)


  1. Gather your equipment (Safety glasses, Litmus paper, Universal indicator, Spotting tile, and pipette)
  2. Put your safety glasses on, and put your litmus paper and universal indicator on the side.
  3. Go around and gather 5 different household chemicals using the pipette (different one each time) add five droplets of each household chemical into the spotting tile (the household chemicals my group gathered: Toilet Cleaner, Spray ‘n’ Wipe, Floor Cleaner, Vinegar, and Fabric Softener)
  4. Once you have all your household chemicals, put your litmus paper in each household chemical, and write down the colour of each litmus paper once it is in each household chemical.
  5. Once you have written down the colour of each litmus paper add 2 droplets of the universal indicator in each household item in your spotting tile, and write down the colour you got after you put in the universal indicator.
  6. After you have written down your results put your litmus paper in the bin tip the household chemicals down the sink (with the water running) and wash the spotting tile. Then wash the 5 pipettes you used and put them away (in the right area it goes) then you have to put away the spotting tile (in the right location) after that put away all the chemicals you used (Toilet Cleaner, Spray ‘n’ Wipe, Floor Cleaner, Vinegar, Fabric Softener, and the universal indicator) (in the right area) after all that cleaning up take your safety glasses off and put them away and wash your hands.



Why do we need to know how to test pH levels? Understanding how to test pH levels is crucial for determining the safety of ingesting various chemicals. By testing the pH levels of substances, we can assess their acidity or alkalinity, which is essential for evaluating their potential impact on the human body. This knowledge helps in making informed decisions about the safety of consuming different substances and in designing appropriate precautionary measures. Why did different household chemicals change different colours? The reason for this is that all different household chemicals have different pH levels and therefore react differently to the universal indicator that is combined in the chemicals This increases the concentration of ions in the solution. How did you know if these chemicals were acidic or basic? We know if these chemicals are acidic or basic if we place the litmus paper in the chemicals if the litmus paper turns/stays red it is acidic and if it turns/stays blue it is more basic. Why might universal indicator (U.I) be more useful than Litmus paper? A universal indicator is a mixture of dyes that changes colour based on the acidity or alkalinity of a substance, helping to determine its pH level.


Did all your experiments work? Yes, all of my experiments were successful, and we obtained all the necessary answers to complete the experiment. What could I improve in your science next time? I could probably be more diligent and less prone to distraction. I often get distracted by some of my pairs, leading to less focused work. If I can improve my ability to stay on task and give each task the attention it deserves, I believe I can become more efficient and produce higher-quality results.




Consequences of drugs + Key concepts

Consequences of Marijuana – Impaired cognitive functioning (taha hinengaro), Mental health issues (taha hinengaro), Respiratory problems (taha tinana), Addiction and withdrawal (taha hinengaro/taha tinana), Impaired motor skills and increased accident risk (taha tinana).

Consequences of Cocaine – Addiction ( taha hinengaro/taha tinana), Heart Issues (taha tinana), Brain Problems (taha hinengaro/taha tinana), Mental Health ( taha hinengaro), Breathing Problems (taha tinana).

Honey Chicken Stir Fry Blog Post

  1. What were the names of the vegetable cuts we used:
  • Onion – diced
  • Carrots – Julienne
  • Capsicum – Strips
  • Broccoli – Florets

2. What  H/S points did you do:

  • The knife pointed toward the ground
  • The temperature of the chicken is 75 degrees Celcius
  • Hands washed
  • Apron worn
  • Hair tied up
  • Short nails
  • No nail polish
  • Mise-en-place

3. Critic your dish – Pros & Cons Improvements/changes:


  • Good sauce amount – Enzo
  • Good Chicken – Enzo
  • I munched it down – Enzo


  • I didn’t really like it
  • I gave it away

Impression on the movie UPROAR trailer

  1. A guy wanting to be an actor or engaging in a protest doesn’t really spark much curiosity. The premise seems fairly straightforward and doesn’t offer much to intrigue me at this point.
  2. Nothing about the plot or the characters has particularly piqued my interest so far. The storyline appears to be fairly conventional, lacking elements that would make it stand out or feel more compelling.
  3. Overall, my expectations for the movie are that it might be okay. While it could have its moments, I’m not anticipating anything groundbreaking or particularly memorable. It seems like it might be a decent watch but nothing to get excited about, the only thing that might be intresting to me is the protesting and the drama in the movie that the main character is causing like being the only Maori student in the school, and surounded by people that are not of color, and getting picked on.

Periodic Table

A photo of my Periodic table:


The First 20 Elements of the Periodic Table:

  1. Hydrogen (H)
  2. Helium (He)
  3. Lithium (Li)
  4. Beryllium (Be)
  5. Boron (B)
  6. Carbon (C)
  7. Nitrogen (N)
  8. Oxygen (O)
  9. Fluorine (F)
  10. Neon (Ne)
  11. Sodium (Na)
  12. Magnesium (Mg)
  13. Aluminum (Al)
  14. Silicon (Si)
  15. Phosphorus (P)
  16. Sulfur (S)
  17. Chlorine (Cl)
  18. Argon (Ar)
  19. Potassium (K)
  20. Calcium (Ca)

The number of shells in each period:

In Period 1 there is 1 electron circle thing and when your electron circle is filled you add a circle each time.

How many shells are in each period:

2 in the first period, and 8 for every other period.

Patterns/trends you see:

You add 1 for every element you add up.



Basketball and Hockey Reflection – Term 2


Players in a team:

Five Players on the court at a time per side.

5 rules:

  1. No bouncing the ball with 2 hands at a time.
  2. If you stop running hold the ball with 2 hands and begin to bounce the ball it will be called a double dribble.
  3. You cannot hit other players.
  4. A team has 25 seconds to score a goal or it is declared as time-wasting.
  5. If the ball goes out it it the opposite team’s ball.


Knee pads, elbow pads, and mouth guards.


Center, power forward, small forward, point guard, and shooting guard.


Kelly Oubre Jr


Players in a Team:

18, plus two goaltenders.

5 Rules:

  1. Don’t lift the stick above your waist.
  2. Can only hit the ball with the flat side of the stick.
  3. If the defenders hit the ball outside of the field it is a penalty shot.
  4. Cannot kick the ball
  5. Only the goalie is allowed to hit the ball with any part of their body.


A stick, skates, helmet with a face mask or visor, gloves, elbow pads, shoulder pads, and shin guards.



A forward is a player, and a position on the ice, whose primary responsibility is to score and assist goals.



History of Football

This term we have been studying football.

On November 6th, 1869. Football was invented in Britain.

Traditionally, the game has been played over two 45-minute halves, for a total match time of 90 minutes.

With an estimated 250 million players active in over 200 countries and territories, it is the world’s most popular sport.


We went to Boyle River Lodge for camp

Our journey was quite fun, to say the least, because I got to hang out with all my friends.

My highlights for the trip were being able to go on the high trees because I hate heights. My lowlights were not getting as much sleep as I wanted because the two people I slept beside snored very loudly and one talked.

What challenged me was the cramp I kept in my quad and I hurt like hell.

My favorite part was being able to light the fire on the second night and let’s just say it took a while.